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The Reading and Spelling Toolkit includes:





Movable alphabet handbook that covers affixes and word study

Spelling instruction notes

Sentence instruction ideas and resources

How to handbook for word cards

Printables and posters for your classroom or setting




Loaded vowel sound-spelling sentences

Loaded consonant sound-spelling sentences

Word lists for decoding and spelling instruction 

Movable alphabet with affixes included

Vowel sound- spelling word sort cards for decoding and spelling instruction

Consonant sound-spelling word sort cards for decoding and spelling instruction

Vowel sounds-spellings posters

Consonant sounds-spellings posters

Vowel and consonant board games for repeated practice


The perfect resource to complement any phonics program and decodable readers or use as a standalone program. Go beyond phonics and teach the WHY of spelling in connected sessions that engage and motivate.


Spelling instruction to deepen your knowledge of the alphabet code. Help your students understand how reading and spelling are connected through systematic sessions. Teach about why spellings exist and build word families that showcase links. Easy-to-follow instructions and resources to enable repeated practice without boredom.


This is a PDF printable resource.

Reading and Spelling Toolkit

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